The Untold Story of Ram and Sita all about A Heartfelt Journey of Love, Pain, and Hope.

March 21, 2023
3 Mins Read

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Ram and Sita’s love story started off like any other Indian love story. Two young hearts from different backgrounds, united in the name of love. They had a beautiful wedding and looked forward to a long and happy life together. The first few months of their marriage were a dream come true, as they spent every waking moment together, learning each other’s quirks and habits. But the reality was different.  However, fate had other plans for them.

In just three months after their marriage, things took an unexpected turn. Ram and Sita separated. The reason for their separation was unclear. Ram was left wondering what went wrong.

He remembered the day when Ram explained a few things to Sita’s mother and brother. He never intended to say anything wrong, but somehow his words were twisted and taken out of context. Sita’s mother and elder brother told her that Ram was thinking and talking ill about her behind her back. Everyone know that Ram was a bit short temper. Sita didn’t know who to believe, They had used his short temper against him and made Sita believe that he had said something hurtful about her. Sita was heartbroken and shattered by the things her family had told her.

Ram had tried to explain everything to Sita in every possible way but received no response, her trust in her family won over her love for Ram. but all his efforts went in vain. He even went to her house, but her family refused to let him meet her.  

Days turned into weeks, Ram was depressed and in pain. He couldn’t eat or sleep properly. The only thing he could think about was Sita. He tried to reach out to mutual friends and family members to find out the reason for their separation, but nobody had an answer.

Ram didn’t understand why Sita had left him, and he was wracked with pain and suffering. He had loved her with all his heart and couldn’t understand why she would leave him without any explanation.

One day, as he was going through his old photos, he came across a picture of him and Sita on their wedding day. He couldn’t help but remember all the beautiful moments they shared together. 

He knew he had to do something to get her back. Ram decided to take matters into his own hands. He tried to contact Sita again, but she had changed her mobile number and had no intention of ever seeing him again. Ram discovered that Sita had left her hometown for Hyderabad and tried to find her. Despite the setbacks, Ram refused to give up. He scoured every corner of the city and every street. But still, there was no sign of Sita.

weeks turned into months, but still, there was no word from Sita. Ram was left in a void, a feeling of emptiness that consumed him. Ram couldn’t bear the thought of living without Sita. He tried to move on, but his heart always belonged to her. 

He would think of Sita every day and still loved her deeply, even though he didn’t know what went wrong. Ram realized that he couldn’t force Sita to come back to him. He had done everything he could to try and make things right, but it seemed that fate had other plans for them.

Almost a Year, but he still hadn’t found closure. He wondered what could have been if things had been different. He only knew that he loved Sita more than anything in the world. he hoped that she was happy wherever she was. He knew that their love was real and that one day, they might be reunited again. But until then, Ram would have to find a way to heal his broken heart and move on with his life.

In the end, nobody knows what really happened between Ram and Sita. But one thing is for sure, Ram’s love for her never faded, and he continued to hold onto the hope that they would be together again one day. His story is one of love, pain, and hope, a story that leaves us wondering what really happened and hoping for a happy ending.

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The story’s by Yuvaraj GS


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